Please follow these steps to certify your document for use in Poland.
1. Prepare your document, preferably in the Polish language. Ask the person requesting the document from you to suggest the best formulation to use, so that the document fulfills its function well.

2. Sign the document before any Notary Public. The Notary will identify you and will witness your signature. The Notary does not need to know the subject matter of the document. The Notary is simply certifying that you have signed the document. Most banks and pharmacies have a Notary Public on staff.

3. Obtain a certification from the secretary of state of your state, or from the clerk of the superior court, that the Notary Public is in fact registered as a Notary Public. In Massachusetts this is done by the Secretary of State, on the 17th floor of the McCormick Building, One Ashburton Place, Boston. The fee for this service is $3.00.

We are frequently asked whether one or more of these steps can be omitted.
It is possible that someone in Poland who does not know well the legal requirements will accept an imperfect document.  However, we have had many callers tell us that they have not followed these instructions with the result that they needed to start the entire process from the beginning, with a considerable loss of valuable time.

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